People’s feelings are mixed when some prisoners are released, who are like the dead coming out of their graves. Some of them rejoice at the departure of the oppressed and their return to their families, the reunification of torn families, and the smiles of children who have been asked for a long time about their parents and even their grandparents.

Here the prisoners come out and they have kept some memories and images in their minds about their children, wives, fathers, friends and their country, and they find everything has changed completely as the story of the owners of the cave. The years roll in moments, the events in words, and the feelings in looks fill their void, rightly or wrongly. Life did not wait for them. They are surprised by everything and everyone is surprised.

They came out of a small prison to a larger prison called Al-Watan. His walls are greater and his humiliation is greater as well. The executioner is the same as the executioner, and the case is the same as the case. They were in prison thinking about their children and families. But the prisoner sits alone in his house with regret, he has left the cell owners whom he knows more than some of his family and relatives. I have tasted parting over and over again. The heart could not take it any longer.

In a second scene, there is deep sadness and eagerness for the families of the prisoners who were not released, and they are waiting for them impatiently, so they do not know what their fate is, nor what they are doing? Are they dead, so they cut off hope from them, or are they alive, so they resist the patience that has been long and difficult for them? There are those who bless the release of some prisoners, claiming to call for tolerance. Who forgives whom? Does the victim have anything? They ask the victim for forgiveness and do not ask the executioner for anything, even if the rest of the prisoners are released! Damn these greedy voices who profit from the pain and tragedies of their families. If you cannot tell the truth, then shut up.
The question is: Is releasing prisoners to overcrowded cells and preparing them for newcomers, as happened on many occasions, or is it a preparation for the Crown Prince? Or is it a measure that came under pressure from human rights organizations? Whatever the reason, the opposition at home and abroad is required not to be deceived by these games and to act on all possibilities, to be careful and refuse to acknowledge or vulgar preamble to the sons of Gaddafi, to intensify contact with human rights organizations, and to consider the release of some prisoners in 1988 AD. There is no need for more disunity and fragmentation, or are the new waves of opposition arrogant to learn the lesson and insist on committing the mistake themselves.