Over my shoulders the brightest of the world is amazed at the wisdom of children as they cast intuitions into the stones of the elderly, due to their stone stubbornness, over which requests slide from their longing that ignites when they meet and burns in absence. They are confiscated poems. Although most of them were published in Libyan periodicals, when they were published in a book titled: “Marich’s Songs” in 2000, the General Administration of Publications Control in Libya decided to confiscate the book and prevent its distribution.

The book “Marish Songs” includes three collections of poetry: “Marish Songs”, “Marich Tracking My Footsteps” and “Return to Marish”. These poems will be published in “Libya News” successively, God willing.

Over my shoulder

over my shoulder Ormq the world
surprised by the wisdom of children
throwing platitudes Jamra in stone the elderly
from the Stone obstinacy which Ttzhalk it demands
from the longing that fired at the meeting ,
and burning in the long absence
adore them because they are poets
Arodon in Ohaddagahm surprising universe
kicking laws and habits
and propose a new form things
there is no more beautiful than a sleeping child
there is no more beautiful than a child watching the rain
there is no more beautiful than a child stands for the first time
and watching from above his toys

over the shoulders of the world Ormq
loved those women who made their spins the universe
who made their men ‘s eyes hanging mirrors
Of Ojhin changing seasons
gasping dates on routes
who have made their world more likely ,
and made their men less patience
Oashgahn all .. Vqlba Park Cherry bustles in birds
Oashgahn structure blindly
taught her stabs stare at the dark
and taught her days that the faces of lovers
mirrors my mother ‘s face
Sonfq all my life , looking for a woman
shorten all women
women do not forget when I remember my mom

over my shoulder Ormq world
meditating at dawn closed his tent under the sleepy
sun swim at Lake sunset
Jal Alemsenrh Haze
and stars Agmsen lovers Archimandrite
olive wears shade
and palm trees shade barefooted reminiscing
Siesta go dormant over the fields
and nectar chasing buzzes the
moon completed familiarity
and earth lung spouting wild Obeirha

over my shoulder Ormq world
Mhafqa teachers
their bodies chalks melt on a blackboard hours
looking at the faces of the students from their childhood lost and
in the confident books for sure disingenuously
are bridges sheltered cloud
cross over them generations speeding
towards up from the dreams of ink books
soaked in inkwell days

over my shoulder Ormq world
facetious politicians and staff
from the monotonous habits that time lumbering
from the walled Joaihm courtesy
and seriously relax behind her Moktbh answers
Of Adear flaccid dive into the charters
of colorful snails inhabited by slugs

over my shoulder Ormq world
Hamta clerics and ideology
when he cut off the rope saved over the sailor desires, above the rock life
of this certainty fortified with cheers and hymns
of turtles broken their shells
every breeze passes over the wind

over my shoulder The world’s most
cynical mockery of the military,
I wonder: How do they hold up this long?
Under their hats, under ranks heavy with swords and eagles?
How do they rebuke their hearts with perplexity in the sky of songs?
Why do their limbs become timid, and the medallions bloom on their chests?

Over my shoulders I stare at the world Behind me
this tortoise that does not precede me This
grave that follows me
Mud will weigh
my steps, my shoulders will sag, and the swarms of years will
land on them Suddenly the world will overtake me, and
I will turn into a flower on a grave that
gives visitors its fragrance and
looks down on the world over my shoulders