Libya News: The Spokesman for the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, announced today, Friday, that the Secretary-General will participate in the opening session of the African Union to be held on 8 and 9 July in Durban, South Africa, next month.

After his visit to Durban, the spokesman added that Annan will head to Abuja, the Nigerian capital, and from there to the Sudanese capital, Khartoum.

However, the spokesman did not mention whether Annan will visit Libya to consult with Colonel Gaddafi on the affairs of the new African Union, especially since the colonel claims that he is the founder of the idea and founder of the union. It has also not yet been announced whether Colonel Gaddafi will attend the opening session of the African Union.

Observers believe that this confirms the disregard by those concerned with Colonel Gaddafi, who was insisting on declaring the “United States of Africa.”